Saturday 30 March 2013

Flawless Battle-Stones - Where to farm Flying stones

Having a fetish for rare pets, I usually spend a couple of hours a day farming Battle-stones to upgrade my uncommons. Now, from time to time I stumble upon a new great place: here is what I've found out last night!

I was looking for some Flawless Flying Battle-Stones in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, but clearly the odds were not with me. I need around 20 of them and not a single one was dropping. So, after countless Gilded Moths and Golden Civets' fights, I decided to look elsewhere. You know, just for a change of panorama. 

That's how I found a very nice spot in the Jade Forest, with many and fast respawning Shrine FliesThe only negative note is that they come with a mix of critter, beast and aquatic allies, which messes up a bit my team. Also, unlike the moths in the Vale that are max level, these flies are only level 23: lower chance to drop a stone.

Anyway, ten minutes later, a beautiful flying stone was in my pockets. Now, RNG is RNG, thus there is no guarantee on quick drops, but I really like the place. It's close enough to the other farming spots and the stable master; nearly no one around to compete against.

For completeness' sake, I'm adding the other known farming spots: Dragonblight, Krasarang Wilds and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Obviously, all these zones, as well as the Jade Forest, have their pros and cons.

Krasarang WIlds:

Luyu Moths and Mei Li Sparklers are very common in Krasarang. Unfortunately they share the respawn with Jugle Grubs and Feverbite Hatchlings, which are even more common. In addition, it takes travel time to find the packs and hostile mobs roam around. Still a decent farming spot, especially if one needs Flawless Beast Battle-Stones too.


Tons of Dragonbone Hatchlings around, very fast respawn, definitely positive. Sadly, Dragonblight is cross-realm-zoned, which means some competition over the pets. Also, these lovely lvl 20-22 hatchlings have the lowest chance to drop of all the above-mentioned options.

Vale of Eternal Blossoms:

I usually tour the right side of the map. These pets are level 25, thus they should have the highest chance to drop a stone. 

On the other hand, there are relatively few packs of Gilded Moths and Effervescent Glowflies. And, on top of that, they are scattered around, which is a big downside. 

Hope it helps! Soon, tips on the other families too.


Friday 29 March 2013

5.3 News and Tweets

With the announcement of 5.3 and the opening of the PTR, every day brings us a lot of exciting news about upcoming pets. Luckily for us, Mumper has already answered on Twitter to some of the most impelling questions.

First, the achievement Brutal Pet Brawler will not be retroactive.  


Prepare to pvp if you want – and you will! – get your very own mini-greeny Stunted Direhorn (screenshots incoming soon!)

Be also ready to fly back to Northrend to catch a not-too-much-elusive Unborn Val’kyr. We have been reassured that her spawn rate will not be so harsh like the Minfernal. Let’s hope, because I'm sure that many of us still have nightmares on the subject.

Raiding with leashes II : Attunement Edition will take us once again down to the memories path. Ten brand-new pets from Karazhan, Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep await us! Check the comments on Wowhead to see who drops what and where. Tito will be the final reward of the achivement. A new puppy dog?

Additionally, Mumper also confirmed on Twitter that there will be new pets from Black Temple and Sunwell Plateau later on. Although, we will probably have to wait until 5.4 . Fair enough, I can wait forever for a mini Illidan!

New weekly quest What We’ve Been Training For, which rewards Brawler’s Pet Supplies. We don’t know yet what the satchel will contain, but two Pet Treats have been datamined on the PTR. 
  • Lesser Pet Treat: Battle pet experience gained is increased by 25% 
  • Pet Treat: Battle pet experience gained is increased by 50%.
They may also come from cooking (?) Anyway, I can’t wait for these buffs to go live!

Last but not least, some “quality of life” improvements are on the way too.
  • Battle pet abilities are saved when swapped in 5.3 
  • Also, it seems that the daily Beasts of Fable will be splitted in two: Beasts of Fable Book II and Beasts of Fable Book III, both requiring to defeat only three Elites instead of all ten.

And now, off to the PTR

/Mizix out

Thursday 28 March 2013

About Me

First things first, welcome to Littlest Pet Shop, a blog dedicated to collecting pets on World of Warcraft.

Who am I?

I am a long time player - my adventure began back in Vanilla - and, as far as I can remember, I have always been obsessed with pets. I just love those little cute creatures! My main is a resto/elemental shaman named Mizix, on Runetotem EU (soon to become Draenor).

Before Mists of Pandaria's launch, collecting pets was a hobby aside from raiding (not so much) with my lovely guild Borderland Legion. However, the new feature of Battle Pets has totally blown my mind, as you can imagine. During the last six months collecting and levelling wild pets has been all I have been doing and I still love it!

I have spent countless hours to camp and grind for the perfect pet, the sometimes-elusive rare-quality one. An army of alts at my disposal and tons and tons of dedication. My first goal has been to catch them all in rare quality, no exceptions! I am now focusing on levelling them, with the aid of the trainers scattered around Pandaria.

Why this blog?

“Littlest Pet Shop” is the name of the 150 pets’ achievement. Back when collect so many pets was still a huge accomplishment: I remember my joy when I finally hit that mark and the cutest of them all, a whirling Celestial Dragon, was mailed to me.

During my journey, I have developed strategies to farm and level pets and I think it would be nice to share them with my fellow pet collectors. As well as share my own experience, I like to talk about incoming pets, changes and news. I would want this blog to become a place where friends and other players can find tips, share their views and generally just spend the time to talk about the one thing we all love: Pets!


A HUGE thank you to PetBattleArena for the header’s image – the Celestial Dragon – that I shamelessly used for my homepage. I have tried to make my own picture, but I suck at Photo Shop and you people have done such a great job! All credit goes to them, obviously. Take a moment to visit their website: it is a wonderful resource.
