Friday 29 March 2013

5.3 News and Tweets

With the announcement of 5.3 and the opening of the PTR, every day brings us a lot of exciting news about upcoming pets. Luckily for us, Mumper has already answered on Twitter to some of the most impelling questions.

First, the achievement Brutal Pet Brawler will not be retroactive.  


Prepare to pvp if you want – and you will! – get your very own mini-greeny Stunted Direhorn (screenshots incoming soon!)

Be also ready to fly back to Northrend to catch a not-too-much-elusive Unborn Val’kyr. We have been reassured that her spawn rate will not be so harsh like the Minfernal. Let’s hope, because I'm sure that many of us still have nightmares on the subject.

Raiding with leashes II : Attunement Edition will take us once again down to the memories path. Ten brand-new pets from Karazhan, Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep await us! Check the comments on Wowhead to see who drops what and where. Tito will be the final reward of the achivement. A new puppy dog?

Additionally, Mumper also confirmed on Twitter that there will be new pets from Black Temple and Sunwell Plateau later on. Although, we will probably have to wait until 5.4 . Fair enough, I can wait forever for a mini Illidan!

New weekly quest What We’ve Been Training For, which rewards Brawler’s Pet Supplies. We don’t know yet what the satchel will contain, but two Pet Treats have been datamined on the PTR. 
  • Lesser Pet Treat: Battle pet experience gained is increased by 25% 
  • Pet Treat: Battle pet experience gained is increased by 50%.
They may also come from cooking (?) Anyway, I can’t wait for these buffs to go live!

Last but not least, some “quality of life” improvements are on the way too.
  • Battle pet abilities are saved when swapped in 5.3 
  • Also, it seems that the daily Beasts of Fable will be splitted in two: Beasts of Fable Book II and Beasts of Fable Book III, both requiring to defeat only three Elites instead of all ten.

And now, off to the PTR

/Mizix out

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