Saturday 30 March 2013

Flawless Battle-Stones - Where to farm Flying stones

Having a fetish for rare pets, I usually spend a couple of hours a day farming Battle-stones to upgrade my uncommons. Now, from time to time I stumble upon a new great place: here is what I've found out last night!

I was looking for some Flawless Flying Battle-Stones in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, but clearly the odds were not with me. I need around 20 of them and not a single one was dropping. So, after countless Gilded Moths and Golden Civets' fights, I decided to look elsewhere. You know, just for a change of panorama. 

That's how I found a very nice spot in the Jade Forest, with many and fast respawning Shrine FliesThe only negative note is that they come with a mix of critter, beast and aquatic allies, which messes up a bit my team. Also, unlike the moths in the Vale that are max level, these flies are only level 23: lower chance to drop a stone.

Anyway, ten minutes later, a beautiful flying stone was in my pockets. Now, RNG is RNG, thus there is no guarantee on quick drops, but I really like the place. It's close enough to the other farming spots and the stable master; nearly no one around to compete against.

For completeness' sake, I'm adding the other known farming spots: Dragonblight, Krasarang Wilds and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Obviously, all these zones, as well as the Jade Forest, have their pros and cons.

Krasarang WIlds:

Luyu Moths and Mei Li Sparklers are very common in Krasarang. Unfortunately they share the respawn with Jugle Grubs and Feverbite Hatchlings, which are even more common. In addition, it takes travel time to find the packs and hostile mobs roam around. Still a decent farming spot, especially if one needs Flawless Beast Battle-Stones too.


Tons of Dragonbone Hatchlings around, very fast respawn, definitely positive. Sadly, Dragonblight is cross-realm-zoned, which means some competition over the pets. Also, these lovely lvl 20-22 hatchlings have the lowest chance to drop of all the above-mentioned options.

Vale of Eternal Blossoms:

I usually tour the right side of the map. These pets are level 25, thus they should have the highest chance to drop a stone. 

On the other hand, there are relatively few packs of Gilded Moths and Effervescent Glowflies. And, on top of that, they are scattered around, which is a big downside. 

Hope it helps! Soon, tips on the other families too.


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